International SHEROES Forum, Abuja 2024; an Inspiring and Transformative Event

The 2024 International SHEROES Forum in Abuja, themed "Global Shapers: Women Leading Beyond Borders," was an inspiring and transformative event. It brought together an impressive array of distinguished women from across Africa, each one a beacon of leadership and progress in her own right.


From the moment the forum commenced, the energy in the room was palpable. The theme itself - celebrating women's achievements and envisioning a future with women at the forefront of global leadership - set the tone for a day filled with powerful discussions, insightful panels, and moving keynote speeches. more

Thank You...

Dear Participants,

On behalf of the Executive team of the SHEROES Foundation, Forum Solutions and Events Logistics, as well as SHEROES International Networking Group - Nigeria, organizers of the International SHEROES Forum Abuja2024, we want to thank you for attending this very special event themed: "Global Shapers: Women Leading Beyond Borders" on Thursday, 4th July, 2024 at the NAF Conference Centre, Abuja - Nigeria.

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Press Watch

Prof. Naana Opoku-Agyemang Champions Women’s Leadership at International Sheroes Forum 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria 06.Jul.24 |

We must identify and support potential women leaders and showcase the achievements of those who have come before. The fa... read more

Invitation to join the SHEROES International Networking Group (S.I.N.G) 29.Oct.19

The SHEROES International Networking Group (S.I.N.G) was instituted by the SHEROES Foundation to uni... read more

Women charged to change narrative to ensure political participation 23.May.19 |

Speakers at the just-ended 8th International Sheroes Forum, which came off in Accra, have called for an increased presen... read more

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